Friday, January 31, 2014

20140129 Ballet Met

This day, we went to BalletMet, a ballet company/dance school. We got to sit in during a adult jazz class and sketched away! 
It was really hard at first, because I didn't know how to capture the movement of the moment, and how to draw.... but I guess you gotta start somewhere!

After that, we came back to class and drew from a dancing video.

20140127 Madlab

This day, we went to Madlab, a theater that promotes real artistic creativity and freedom. This session was an improv rehearsal night!

Friday, January 24, 2014


For our first project, we did drew from the masters!

The Apotheosis of Henri IV and the Proclamation of the Regency of Marie de Médicis. Peter Paul Rubens. 1621-1625

Alexander Entering Babylon, or Triumph of Alexander. Charles Le Brun. 1665

Hippopotamus Hunt. Peter Paul Rubens. 1616

Monday, January 20, 2014

20140113 Class

@DSB Cafe Sketch Class time
- first day of class, classmates posed for one another. Each brought interesting props, 2 minutes on each pose.

20130115 Shadowbox & Movie

2013. 01. 15

@Youtube clip of Wuthering Heights